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AI training: How companies successfully use AI tools

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Alexander Schurr
April 21, 2024
With the right use of AI tools, business processes can be optimized and processes accelerated, but how do you use tools correctly?

AI training: How companies successfully use AI tools

AI training for the necessary digital transformation as a driving force for your company. Targeted use of AI increases their competitiveness, saves resources and increases employee productivity and efficiency. More and more companies are using AI tools to optimize their processes and improve their business processes. However, many companies are still struggling to use AI technologies effectively because they lack knowledge and experience. This is where AI training and consulting come in to get companies ready for AI and help them find the right tools for their specific needs.

Why is AI training & consulting important for companies?

AI training & consulting is essential for companies that want to exploit the full potential of this technology. Without proper advice, employees may not be able to use AI tools effectively, which can result in wasted resources and missed opportunities. AI training thus helps employees acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to work with AI tools. This includes, for example, the right approach, the correct use of the AI tool, and, of course, the selection of the really relevant tools for the company.

In addition, AI consulting can help identify the areas where AI can be used most effectively. This can lead to an increase in turnover, a reduction of resources, an optimization of internal processes and procedures, and thus to an improvement in efficiency, productivity and profitability.

The multitude of AI tools that no one can trade

There are already a variety of AI tools available today, and new ones are constantly being developed. It can be difficult for companies to choose the right tool for their specific needs. AI training or consulting can help a company identify the tools that best suit their business processes and goals. This includes understanding the strengths and weaknesses of various tools and choosing the ones that best suit their needs, as well as the correct implementation and use of the tool itself.

AI as a change management project — not as a technological challenge

Change management is the process that ensures that changes are effectively implemented and accepted. When adopting AI technologies, it is crucial that employees understand, accept and be able to deal with the changes. Change management helps to reduce resistance to change, reduce fears and create a positive corporate culture.

A successful implementation of AI often requires new skills and competencies. Change management should ensure that employees receive the necessary training to effectively use the new technologies. Through training and advice and targeted skill-building measures, employees can reduce fears of job losses due to AI and instead see the opportunities that these technologies offer.

It is important that employees are continuously accompanied and supported to ensure that they have mastered the new ways of working and are able to adapt. Regular feedback, training and coaching are tools to ensure the acceptance and success of AI implementation in the long term.


AI training & consulting create comprehensive AI expertise in the company and contribute to driving digital transformation. This helps to realize the full potential for sustainable business success through AI. Through training, employees can acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to work with AI tools. This therefore helps to identify the areas where AI can be used most effectively. By introducing the right AI tools, accompanied by a change process, companies can optimize their processes and procedures, which leads to improved efficiency, productivity and profitability.