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AI transformation: How companies are influenced by artificial intelligence

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Alexander Schurr
October 21, 2024

The digital transformation is already in full swing — and artificial intelligence (AI) is at the center of it. AI enables companies to optimize their processes, work more efficiently and open up new business areas. But the introduction of AI is more than just a technological shift; it requires a fundamental transformation of the entire organization. In this article, you'll learn what AI transformation means, how it works, and the opportunities and challenges it brings.


What does AI transformation mean?

AI transformation describes the comprehensive transformation of a company towards the use of artificial intelligence in all relevant areas. This involves not only the implementation of individual AI tools, but also a profound change in business processes, structures and corporate culture. AI helps to make data-based decisions, use automation options and develop completely new business models.

A company undergoing AI transformation must learn to view data as a strategic asset and place it at the center of value creation. This applies not only to IT departments, but to all areas of the company — from production to marketing to customer service.


The benefits of AI transformation for businesses

Companies that successfully go through the AI transformation benefit from numerous advantages. Here are some of the key points:

  1. Increasing efficiency: AI technologies such as machine learning and automation help to reduce repetitive tasks and complete processes faster and more precisely. As a result, costs are reduced and employees can concentrate on value-adding activities.
  2. Better decisions: AI makes it possible to make precise predictions and make well-founded decisions from huge amounts of data. Data-based insights offer a clear competitive advantage, particularly in the areas of customer behavior, market analysis or financial planning.
  3. Innovation and new business models: AI opens up new avenues for innovation. With AI, companies can develop personalized products and services, better meet individual customer needs and develop completely new business models.
  4. Improved customer experience: With AI, companies can significantly improve customer communication and customer service. Chatbots and voice assistants enable 24/7 support, while AI-based analyses enable personalized offers and tailored customer interactions.
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The 5 phases of AI transformation

The implementation of artificial intelligence in a company usually takes place in several phases. Here is an overview of the typical steps:


1st phase: creating awareness

The first step in AI transformation is creating awareness of the opportunities that AI offers. Management and employees must understand the importance of AI and how this technology can move the business forward.

2nd phase: analysis of the corporate structure

Before AI tools are implemented, a thorough analysis of existing business processes must take place. It is important to find out which areas can benefit the most from AI and where its introduction makes sense.

3rd phase: Technology selection

As soon as it is clear which areas should be optimized by AI, the appropriate technologies and tools will be selected. External consultants or technology providers can be helpful in identifying the right solutions.

4th phase: Implementation and testing

In this phase, implementation is often carried out in smaller, testable areas of the company. Pilot projects help to test the technology and find out how well it can be integrated into existing processes.

Stage 5: Scaling and Continuous Improvement

Following successful pilot projects, AI applications are being scaled to other areas of the company. At the same time, data should be continuously collected and the results analyzed in order to further improve the AI strategy.


AI transformation challenges

Although AI transformation offers numerous benefits, companies also face major challenges. Some of the biggest obstacles include:

  • Shortage of skilled workers: To implement AI effectively, experts in data science, machine learning, and AI development are needed. The lack of qualified specialists represents a major hurdle.
  • Costs and resources: Building an AI infrastructure requires investments in hardware and software as well as employee training. For smaller companies in particular, the costs can initially be a deterrent.
  • Data quality: AI is only as good as the data it processes. Many companies have problems with unstructured or faulty data, which can hinder the effectiveness of AI applications.
  • Acceptance by employees: The introduction of AI technologies can trigger fears among employees of job losses or an increased workload. Good change management is therefore crucial to create acceptance and successfully shape the transformation.
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Success factors for successful AI transformation

For the AI transformation to be successful, companies must consider a few key success factors:

  1. Clear strategy: The introduction of AI should be part of a comprehensive digital strategy. Companies must define clear goals and determine how AI can support them.
  2. Top management support: The transformation must be actively supported by management. Without management commitment, it will be difficult to provide the necessary resources and implement the necessary organizational changes.
  3. Data management: A clean and structured data base is essential. Companies should ensure that they have high-quality data that is relevant to AI applications.
  4. Train employees: Training and continuing education of employees is crucial to ensure the success of the AI transformation. The workforce must not only be familiarized with the new technologies, but also learn to use the potential of AI in their daily tasks.
  5. Agile approach: AI transformation is a continuous process. Companies should therefore be agile and adapt their strategies and technologies again and again in order to react to changes in the market and new developments.


Conclusion on the AI transformation of companies

AI transformation offers companies the opportunity to secure a clear competitive advantage and future-proof their business processes. From efficiency gains to improved customer experiences to new business models — the potential of artificial intelligence is huge. At the same time, the successful introduction of AI requires a comprehensive rethink and a willingness to invest in new technologies and employee qualifications. If you're thinking about transforming your business with AI, we're here to help you find the best strategies and tools. Contact the KI Company for a non-binding consultation!


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